Becoming a Geophysicist

Becoming a Geophysicist

Geophysicists study the physical structure and behaviour of the earth. They study rocks, oceans, gravity, and magnetic and electrical fields, in an effort to understand the earth’s origins and better understand its behaviour. The data that geophysicists collect and interpret can be used to locate underground water sources, geological faults and oil, gas and mineral deposits. This information can be used to determine any extra precautions necessary to ensure the safety and stability of buildings, as well as locating economically viable mine sites.  Geophysicists may also perform laboratory and field studies, ground and drill hole surveys.

Some geophysicists spend most of their time outdoors studying various features of the earth, and others spend most of their time indoors using computers for modeling and calculations.

Some geophysicists use these methods to find oil, iron, copper, and many other minerals. Some evaluate earth properties for environmental hazards and evaluate areas for dams or construction sites. Research geophysicists study the internal structure and evolution of the earth, earthquakes, the ocean and other physical features using these methods.

Likely subjects to take

A strong background in sciences, with emphasis on Mathematics, Physics and Geology is important. The more experience you can get with various computer platforms and software programmes, the better. Computer skills are a must. A graduate degree is required for most geophysics jobs.


Good IT skills to process data and produce three-dimensional models of geophysical features

Numerical skills

Project management skills

Analytical and problem-solving skills

Flexibility and adaptability

Attention to detail and the ability to record information accurately

The ability to express ideas and findings clearly, both orally and in writing to produce reports and make presentations

Team working skills

The ability to work to deadlines and under pressure

A desire to travel – worldwide travel is a key feature of this career commitment to continual learning.

You will also need good colour vision as the work may involve interpreting geological maps and differentiating between various rocks and minerals.

Where can I get a job?

A large proportion of geophysicists are employed by oil and gas companies in their exploration divisions.

This work is increasingly contracted out, so consultancies provide another source of employment. Consultancy firms vary in size, from very small companies to large multinationals. Some consultancies are quite specialised in using particular geophysical techniques or working in particular locations, while others offer a more diverse range of services to their customers.

Environmental consultancy is a growing area of employment, as many landfill site owners require geophysicists to help them ensure compliance with strict requirements related to the construction, operation and closure of landfill sites.

Extraction of gas from landfill sites is likely to become another area of employment in the future.

Exploration companies may undertake work for construction firms, water companies, mining companies and environmental agencies, so geophysicists may be employed in any of these settings.

Other employers include geological surveys, government bodies and agencies, universities and research institutes.


Geophysicists commonly use radar, maps, global positioning system (GPS) equipment and surveying equipment, such as theodolites. They also use highly sensitive equipment to collect and record seismic data. In some cases, they may use large industrial drills to collect rock samples from deep underground.

They may also detonate explosives underground, to create seismic waves, which can be collected and used to discover the presence of mineral deposits. Some geophysicists also use magnetometers for studying the earth’s magnetic fields, and gravimeters to study the earth’s gravitational pull.


By Teen Trust News

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