How you can make money online as a Photographer

How you can make money online as a Photographer

You’ve got a camera and a computer, but one thing you don’t have enough of is cash. With the right skills, you can earn money doing what you love — taking pictures. But there’s more than just the traditional career paths like wedding photography. Thanks to the internet, there are more options available to you than ever before, some are good for a bit of spending money whilst others can pave careers.

Sell Stock Photos

Stock photography grew quickly within the internet age, and it’s still a viable way to earn a little spending money. (After all, photography tends to be an expensive hobby). Stock photos are used by advertising agencies, websites, bloggers, publications and more. You can sell stock photos of pretty much any genre — to really gain some ground, try to shoot photos on subjects that aren’t yet well covered.

Sell an eBook

Another way to share your photo knowledge is to write and sell an eBook. Look to see what’s already out there before deciding on a subject. Platforms through Amazon and Barnes and Noble make it possible to get your title in popular online stores. ‘How to’ guides often do well, but you’re only limited by your imagination.

Create a travel guide

Not into the ‘how tos’? If you’ve got a lot of photos of one location, from either your travels or because you live there, you can put together a travel guide to sell as an eBook. Include photographs of all the must-see locations along with a few travel tips.

Take pictures at local events and sell them online

Parents love pictures of their kids’ t-ball games. Offer more than a cellphone snapshot, and you’ll likely have quite a few people wanting to buy your shots online. From games to fairs and festivals, there’s a lot of options, you’ll just need to do the groundwork. Upload your images to a website like and they’ll take care of the printing and shipping for you.

Learn Photography

Master the fundamentals of photography, from the basics to advanced techniques, and become a professional photographer.

Sell photojournalism prints to news publications

If you’re in the right place at the right time, your image could be worth quite a bit for the right publication. Location or newsworthy events often determine what publications might be interested in the shot.

Edit photos

No, it’s not taking photos, but chances are if you’re good at photography you’ve also accumulated some Photoshop skills either through real life practical experience or through learning via an online photoshop course . Search job boards for people looking for some photo editing, or reach out to publications.

Sell your photo on a greeting card

Toss in a touching bit of prose or a joke, and your images could make excellent greeting cards. You can pitch card companies, or create and sell them yourself on places like Etsy.

Build a following on social media

This option works well mixed with other ideas, to promote an eBook, for example. But that’s not always the case. Popular Instagrammers are often paid to take pictures of a product and share it with their followers.

Work as a photography tutor

Work one-on-one with new photographers as an online tutor teaching the basics and critiquing their shots. You can work for a tutoring company or create your own website. You can also tutor locally and find leads online.

Write ‘how to’ photography articles

Knowledge is power—err, cash. Publications from websites to magazines often pay for a good how-to article, so it’s another good avenue for sharing your photography know-how.

Start a photography blog

If you’re as good with words as you are with the camera, combine the two and create a blog. You can earn money through advertising, but you can also generate additional hype for another income avenue like an eBook.

Take product photography photos

The growth of the internet means a growing number of online stores, and those stores need good images of their products. Pitch websites that operate locally, or work with a company willing to ship products to you.

Generate potential job leads with Flickr and 500px

By building a big following on photo sharing websites, many photographers have generated paid leads. Sure, you won’t earn money simply by uploading to Flickr, but you could begin building a following that will later lead to paid work.

Sell photos to magazines

Magazines need a variety of different high-quality photos. Search for different publications to pitch to online. Take a look at the magazine first to get an idea of the type of images they publish.

Sell canvas and other wall art on Etsy

Photography is an art—so why not sell on the arts and crafts focused platform, Etsy? It’s a popular option for wall art, but you could sell anything you can create with your images here, including greeting cards.

Snap photos for local businesses websites

Photos speak volumes, and so do bad photos. Drop off business cards at local businesses and let them know you’ll snap magazine-worthy shots for their website.

Sell images on eBay

Don’t forget one of the most popular online marketplaces—you can auction your images on eBay too. Prints, canvases—again, there are a lot of options here.

Sell fine art shots on online galleries

It can be hard to sell fine art prints without a following. Online galleries can help introduce people to your work, and do the selling work for you too. Some of the popular options are Fine art America and Image Kind.

Sell images from your own website

Keep more of the profit for yourself and sell your photos from your own website. Platforms like Photocrati and Photoshelter are popular options.

Photography is creative, so, why not be creative with your income and pursue a non-traditional photography income online? While some options are only good for a bit of spending money, many photographers have made their entire careers through other online options. Now, get to work!

By Teen Trust News

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