A student of Testimony College Lagos, Aroloye Goodluck, also recently won the Interschool Animation and Artificial Intelligence Competition organized by Animation Hub in Lagos, beating over nine hundred participants. Abdulsalam Akapo and Jubilee Ogbeiye were awarded first and second runners-up, respectively.
Expressing his joy, Aroloye said, “I feel great and awesome for winning this competition. I’m honored to have been selected by my school to participate. I hope this encourages others to believe in themselves.” He attributed his success to “consistency and hard work during training,” explaining that his primary goal was gaining knowledge and a foundation in animation.
After the training, the participants created different animations, like moving objects, walking characters, dancing characters, 2D characters, and acrobatic characters.
At the closing ceremony, the co-founder of Animation Hub, Adetunwase Adenle, emphasized the importance of empowering children to tell their stories in a digital world, noting, “Animation is a major tool pivotal to this change and to boosting global GDP.” He added, “Although animation is resource-intensive, the primary cost is manpower, which is why we focused on training young people, ages 7 to 17.”
Explaining further, Adenle said that the competition, which was launched on June 28 at FESTAC, has trained over 1,000 schools, with 100 selected for this pilot stage.